Maybe a little tip: When you set out to create this elaborate piece of fan fiction, at least don't be so much in love with your own chapters as to fail to throw them out when you yourself contradict them.
On several occations, you add in a 'September Update' for both the DARPA grant (to cherry pick some random paragraphs) and the new Laos bat sequences; not realizing you just contradicted your own chapters that follow later.
Scientifically, that whole article is unfortunately not only inconsistent, but also an amalgamation of mostly a posteriori cherry-picking, motivated reasoning, sleazy thinking, overfitting and gaslighting. Even scientists seriously inclined to entertain far-off hypotheses and speculations will have several warning lights blinking in their head about the course of argumentation and conclusions taken.
I only have one question for you.
Do you think it was time well spend?